Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The recent adventures of Luna Blue

Hi, it's me Luna! So, we finally have some new pictures. This is me where I sleep. Sometimes I like to have my own pillow just like my mom does. 
I went to the dog park with my mom and we met this guy! Reese is a Great Dane puppy. Our mom's talked and found out we had a lot in common. We had lots of fun playing together, he's a month younger, but already bigger than I am!

After the dog park, I was TIRED! So I thought I should lay on my mom.

I was not quite ready to get up this morning. My mom yelled at me to get up, but I was already curled up in the blankets. 

This is me and mom, she tried to take a picture, but I decided to give kisses instead.

There was a big storm one night. Lots of thunder (loud noises that I didn't like) and lightening (I didn't like that either). Mom and I went downstairs to sleep just in case we had to go to the basement. 

One day after a long walk, and playing I was really tired. I took two steps into the house and just collapsed on the floor. On another note, look at my tail! It's almost as long as my whole body. When I get excited I wag it really fast and be careful because if it hits you, it kind of hurts.

This is me on the drive home from the lake one weekend visiting Gma and Gpa.

Lookin good in my new purple color (reflective so people can see me) and my new purple harness. :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New neighbors, and new friends

Hi again. Luna here. It's been a while, but sometimes my mom forgets to write stuff and since I'm a puppy I don't know how to work the computer.
Today on a walk I met a new friend, CC (I think that's how you spell it.) She's a puppy like me, well she's one, but we had fun and played. Her owner, my mom's friend, Nolan said we could go to the puppy park and play sometime. I hope it's soon. Also, I hope my mom will upload some pictures because we have a lot of them. Until then, have a good night!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

4 months and lovin it!

Guess what everyone?! I'm 4 months old now! I'm getting bigger too, but I'm having so much fun being a puppy. 
I like when my mom sits on the steps because then she can have me in her lap and I can jump on her from the top step...she doesn't think that's so much fun, but I do.
 Out for walks...when we go to the vet next we're going to ask about running. I like to run, but some dog places say to wait till your puppy is 1 before trying to run.
 On the bed....I take up a lot of room.
 I still like to lay on my mom though, especially when I'm really sleepy.

 More walks, I love them! I like to pick things up like sticks and carry them to the front door. There is a nice collection of sticks and rocks by the door because we can't take them inside.
 I also Love Love Love to sleep. I'm a puppy still, so my energy eventually wears out and I crash. :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Hi, it's been a while.

Sorry for not having my mom post stuff! We've been busy. My mom's cousin and little boys came to visit us and it was so much fun. I love to play and they do to! I got a little excited and wanted to jump on them, but everyone kept saying no because I'm bigger than them. Oh well. Here's what else we've been up to.

Well, we got A/C upstairs and I like to watch the fan go back and forth. Sometimes I bark at it when it blows air on just says I need to go to sleep.

I spent some time at my grandma's and grandpa's house. Their puppy Sophie has this great toy, it's a mushroom and it makes a great squeaky noise. I love it!

My mom thinks its can be the judge.
 It's my favorite.
 My mom went away for the weekend to Minneapolis. I don't know why I didn't get to come with. I stayed at grandmas house, I was happy when Mom came back so I made sure to lay on her!
 And I like to think that I still fit in my mom's lap...but I really don't.
 This is me! Mom wanted to show people my LONG legs, I'm getting taller!
 I like to help my mom get ready for the day, and get myself ready too. This mirror is great, but sometimes I wonder who the other dog is and how they got in there.

 Mom finally got some pictures up. I helped her choose which ones of course. :)
 One day my mom couldn't find me. She thought I ran outside! But then she heard me bark. I like to hide under the bed and bark at her.

 Mom says she can't wait till I'm too big to do this, because once I go under the bed I don't really want to come back out.
 Oh and I got a big puppy collar now! It's pre-owned by one of my mom's other puppies, but it works for now. Well that's it for now, but I'm doing new and exciting things all the time (at least for a puppy) so check back soon.
--Luna Blue

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What's New Puppy Dog?

I like to sleep about as much as I like to play which is A LOT!!! It's my Great Dane side that loves sleep and my puppy nature to want to play. So sometimes I play until I actually fall on the floor and sleep.
 Me sleeping as a baby puppy and me sleeping now. My mom loves my sleepy face. <3
 My mom bought me a GIANT bone because I chew up all the smaller ones. This will take me a while. Thanks mom!

 I also like to watch T.V. sometimes. My mom thinks this is really funny when I do.
 Today I'm watching Charmed. It's a good show.
 This is my mom....sometimes I make her crazy and she makes faces like this!!!
But she normally looks like this....

Saturday, July 7, 2012

First Bath and other things

I had my first bath today, my face shows how excited I am about this.

 Checking out the bath....still not really sure about it.
 "Mom! I do not want to take a bath!!!"
 "Please don't make me!"
 Here is a video of what I did after my bath....I really don't like water.
 It was ok because later I got to sit outside and enjoy some sun.

 And try out my new water bowl. It will come in handy at the reunion next weekend.

 This is what my mom likes to do when we are outside, I like to interrupt her.
 My mom was cutting carrots and peppers for supper, and I got to have a whole carrot to myself. It was fun to chew on.